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Roman warriors and legionnaires knew that the sweetest grapes grow and the best wine is drunk on this large, sunlit plateau below the Dinara.

In the cradle of viticulture

On the miraculous plateau above the village of Vrbnik, under the auspices of the Dinara and some 7 km from the town of Knin, our property PZ “Vbrničko selo” is located.

The name “Burnum” comes from the name for the Roman military camp that was established here at the beginning of our era. Its remains have been preserved to this day in the form of two arches at the entrance to the village of Ivoševce. Here the ancient Romans used to walk, fight and fortify themselves with wine.

Right here, on this plateau, where the land is sparse and the sun the greatest natural wealth, we planted 30,000 vines. With the help of friends from Slovenia, excellent winegrowers from Goriška brda, we started organic wine production.

Our wines are the children of the sun

We have equipped the property with state-of-the-art technology, but we have preserved the family approach to grape care.

From the beginning, we have specialized in the production of top-quality cuvées, which include indigenous varieties of this region such as pošip, babić and maraština, but also world varieties such as chardonnay, voignier, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, merlot, marselan and carmenère.

Our wines are children of the sun and children of love. They are sincere and innocent, playful and arrogant, they fill hearts and unite people. There must be something good in them.

Did you know that we were among the first in Croatia to produce sparkling wine from the babić variety? 3 years ago we started experimentally, and today we are looking for more bottles for it. Have you tried it yet?